Hannah Vandeveire - Associate

Hannah Vandeveire 151220,374080

Shelby Stricklin Team


About Hannah

Hannah is a dedicated individual with a passion for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. She prioritizes her well-being through regular exercise and a balanced diet, recognizing the importance of physical health in overall happiness. Whether it's hitting the gym, exploring outdoor activities, or on a road bike, she embraces a variety of ways to stay fit.
In addition to her commitment to health, Hannah values meaningful connections with others. She cherishes her friendships and seeks opportunities to make new connections. Building and nurturing relationships are integral aspects of her life, contributing to a supportive and enriching social environment.
Hannah is an avid reader and a perpetual learner. She finds joy in discovering new information and expanding her knowledge across various subjects. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, news articles or online resources, she appreciates the power of learning to inspire and educate.
Real estate holds a special place in Hannah's interests. She is fascinated by the dynamics of the real estate market, from property values to investment opportunities. Her curiosity in this field extends to researching market trends, property development, and investment strategies.

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Shelby Stricklin Team, 507 Drake Ave, Huntsville, AL 35801

Contact Information

Address: 507 Drake Ave
Huntsville, AL 35801
Cell: 865-599-0955
Direct Line: 865-599-0955
E-mail Me